Müzik dünyası, yüksek izlenmelerle son zamanlarda iyice popülerleşen yeni nesil rapçilerin şarkılarının kalitesini tartışıyor ...
Huit personnes dont cinq femmes ont été tuées par des hommes armés dans une ville du centre du Mexique en proie à la violence ...
European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen arrived in Kyiv on Monday to demonstrate support for Ukraine on the third ...
UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer and French President Emmanuel Macron reaffirmed their commitment to showing "united leadership ...
Dışişleri Bakanı Fidan: "(Rusya'yla) Suriye'deki ayrılıkçı hareketlerin önünün kesilmesi konusunda benzer görüşteyiz" ...
We came very, very close to signing something, and I think we'll be using that framework as a guidepost to get a peace deal done between Ukraine and Russia,' says US special envoy Steve Witkoff ...
Le président du Conseil européen, Antonio Costa, a annoncé ce dimanche convoquer un sommet européen extraordinaire le 6 mars prochain, parlant de "moment décisif pour l'Ukraine et la sécurité européen ...
Leading a Mass in Istanbul on the eve of the third anniversary of the Russia-Ukraine war, Bartholomew emphasized that any ...
As pontiff remains hospitalized in Rome, he expresses his gratitude to those who have kept him in their prayers during his ...
Katoliklerin ruhani lideri ve Vatikan Devlet Başkanı Papa Franciscus'un sağlık durumunun kritik olduğu ancak solunumla ilgili ...
L'émissaire spéciale du secrétaire général de l'ONU pour le Myanmar, Julie Bishop, a appelé dimanche à un règlement politique ...
رئيس مركز القدس للدراسات أحمد رفيق عوض: - إسرائيل تريد الحرب من أجل بقائها والإعداد لضم الضفة الغربية وتحويلها إلى معازل ...