NARRÁTOR: Az 1914 és 1918 közötti első világháború egész Európában és azon túl is zajlott.A minden háborút lezáró háborúként vált ismertté.Mérhetetlen módon beárnyékolta több tízmillió ember ...
On May 13, 1931, the International Olympic Committee, headed by Count Henri Baillet-Latour of Belgium, awarded the 1936 Summer Olympics to Berlin. The choice signaled Germany's return to the world ...
The Levine Institute is the world’s preeminent institution for promoting quality Holocaust education. As part of our nation’s official memorial to the Holocaust, the Levine Institute’s educational ...
At this free, virtual conference, discover the latest practices in accurate, meaningful teaching about the Holocaust with leading historians and educators. Bring the Museum's collection into your ...
"The following translations from yizkor books have been donated to JewishGen by genealogists like yourself."--Yizkor Book Translations [ ...
GESCHICHTE DER DUISBURGER JUDEN / von Günter von Roden, in Zusammenarbeit mit Rita Vogedes ; mit Einzelbeiträgen von Yehoshua Amir [... et al.]. Contains an alphabetical list of Duisburg, Germany's ...
vi, 226 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. Number of Names or Other Entries-- 90 Names. Includes biographies, in alphabetical order, of 90 boys who were selected in the so-called "Theresienstadt Family Camp" for ...
Compiled and published online by the 'Lodz Registration Cards Extraction Project' of JRI-Poland based on records held by the Archiwum Panstwowe w Lodzi [= Polish State Archives in Lodz] as the ...
In the 1960s, the International Tracing Service (ITS. Now Arolsen Archives) in Bad Arolsen, Germany wrote letters to mayors and other officials of West German counties and towns, requesting lists of ...
Electronic data compiled by Georg Dreyfuss regarding deportees from France, based on Serge Klarsfeld's "Le mémorial de la déportation des juifs de France" and other sources; data includes names, dates ...
As a percentage, Dutch Jews probably perished at a higher rate than any other West European country. Prior to WWII, the community consisted of about 150,000 persons, including Jews who had fled there, ...
Electronic data from the Kozienice ghetto census from 1939-1942, entitled "Lista Żydów zamieszkałych w Kozienicach"; data includes page and sequence numbers, names, ages, sex, occupations and ...