The selection of right-wing podcaster Dan Bongino for a senior FBI role hammers home that President Donald Trump is ...
But, it also -- when you hear that Somalia, the average IQ is 68, it tracks. It tracks with what we know about Somalia. You know, if I -- if you didn't know anything about Somalia, you never heard of ...
As soon as this email was sent, federal workers started to scream and say what do you mean I have to tell you what I do? This is harassment. This is taunting. This is unfair. No one has ever asked a ...
MSNBC right now has “Musk to federal workers, justify your job or else.” Yes, that's the way things work in the real world, not the fantasy world of government, because the money is running out. If ...
EMILY COMPAGNO (CO-HOST): Isn't that fascinating, Kaylee, how great an impact can have of just having competent people in ...
BANNON: Exactly. We've got to maybe work the Constitution too although I think there's a way to slip through there but you ...
But Fox has also reportedly signed on to a letter calling on the Trump White House to restore the AP’s access and ...
The Washington Post reports on the actual impacts of the cuts to national parks staff: At California’s Yosemite National Park ...
The CBO estimate also shows that the entire recent immigrant population will contribute $1.2 trillion in federal revenues ...
Top Trump administration officials have appeared on Fox News 124 times since President Donald Trump was sworn in. At least ...
Fox News has largely dodged reporting President Donald Trump’s February 15 declaration that he is above the law as long as he ...
Watters: “Democrats might actually move to Canada, but by that time it’ll be a state” ...