Manila is shoring up military partnerships with other nations as it seeks to counter Beijing in a South China Sea dispute.
More than 1,000 students in Indonesia’s restive Papua region took to the streets to protest a government-sponsored free-meal ...
Lebih dari seribu pelajar di Enarotali, Paniai, Papua Tengah, pada Senin (24/2) menggelar demonstrasi untuk menolak program ...
Dua pemuda di Aceh dijatuhi hukuman cambuk di depan umum setelah Mahkamah Syar'iyah Banda Aceh pada Senin (24/2) menyatakan ...
Dalam pidato peluncuran, Prabowo menyebut Danantara merupakan bagian pembangunan nasional dan cara pengelolaan kekayaan Indonesia secara maksimal.
While agricultural burning contributes to the problem, wildfires remain the top contributor to seasonal pollution, a group said.
Negara-negara Asia Tenggara berusaha kekalkan hubungan dengan China sambil bertegas lindungi kedaulatan maritim masing-masing ...
Negara-negara Asia Tenggara berupaya mempertahankan hubungan dengan China sambil melindungi kedaulatan maritime mereka.
While Malaysia has abundant water to meet current needs, rising demand from the expanding data center industry could cause water shortages, said Charles Santiago, chairman of the Malaysian Water ...
The climate for freedom of secular thought in Bangladesh remains bleak a decade after religious zealots murdered blogger ...
Thich Minh Tue is a Buddhist monk who captured hearts in Vietnam last year when he undertook a barefoot hike across the country that met the disapproval of controlling communist authorities. He has ...
Pemerintah berhasrat mencetak generasi emas 2045, namun kebijakan yang diambil saat ini dinilai justru menghambat impian ...