NARRÁTOR: Az 1914 és 1918 közötti első világháború egész Európában és azon túl is zajlott.A minden háborút lezáró háborúként vált ismertté.Mérhetetlen módon beárnyékolta több tízmillió ember ...
The Levine Institute is the world’s preeminent institution for promoting quality Holocaust education. As part of our nation’s official memorial to the Holocaust, the Levine Institute’s educational ...
Holocaust survivor Joël Nommick was born into danger in December 1942 in the midst of World War II. Just months earlier, Joël ...
The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum’s Simon-Skjodt Center for the Prevention of Genocide (SCPG) seeks applications for a fellowship to assess risks of mass atrocities in Mozambique. The Early ...
The Museum offers a wide selection of online resources about the Holocaust and other genocides and mass atrocities. These tools provide a variety of ways to learn and teach about this important ...
1. 正在修建的 4 号焚尸炉。 正在修建的 4 号焚尸炉。此焚尸炉后来在一次集中营起义中被摧毁。拍摄地点:波兰奥斯威辛-比克瑙;拍摄时间:1942 至 1943 年间的冬天。 猶太人大屠杀百科全书 2.
For Syrians who long suffered under the Assad regime’s oppression and brutality, its collapse brought forth a flood of emotions. Today Syrians are engaged in the work of rebuilding their country and ...
One Survivor Remembers is Gerda Weissmann’s account of surviving the Holocaust. This film was produced in 1995 by HBO and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Transcript [Text on screen] In ...
Behind Every Name a Story consists of essays describing survivors’ experiences during the Holocaust, written by survivors or their families. The essays, accompanying photographs, and other materials, ...
Suitable for classroom use or by families and individuals, this virtual tour, hosted on Google Arts & Culture, allows visitors to explore nine interactive galleries at the US Holocaust Memorial Museum ...
We mourn the passing of Professor Raul Hilberg, world-renowned scholar, founder of the academic field of Holocaust studies, and a key figure in the establishment and development of the United States ...
The claim of Jesus’ followers that their Master was the sole authentic interpreter of Mosaic Law was not unusual. What set his followers apart was the claim that God had raised him up from the dead.