The Lower Township Police Department is trying to identify the person or persons responsible for vandalizing with graffiti ...
Replacement of the Grassy Sound fishing pier, on what is left of the old Grassy Sound bridge from Middle Township to North ...
One side effect of the large amount of construction in Cape May County in the last few years was the production of huge ...
In a recent Spout Off post, the writer criticized the Stone Harbor Chamber of Commerce for having “a lot to say.” Presumably the spout is aimed at comments from chamber officials on policies or ...
The Mayor and Public Safety Commissioner are elected officials who have common sense. This upcoming election we the people need to vote out the other.
Pretty obvious now that Trump claiming the Russian Collusion was a HOAX was all a sham. This president is the biggest Russian supporter ever. God Bless Ukraine.
New York Post and Fox News Radio drew a red line on Friday pushing back on the President’s defense of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Wow, you know how wrong ...
Liberals and their media can’tkeep up with President Trump’s team, they’re so use to Joe Biden’s legislation being reduced to a snails pace the last 4 yea ...
The recent Herald story about Woodbine "Greening up the Brownfields" addresses the former Hat Factory site along with three other sites. The former factory site is adja ...
Biden fired 11,000 pipeline workers because the pipeline is bad for our environment and endangering our neighbors. Trump fired 1in 10 federal employees and then 1 ...
Congrats to Elon Muck for pushing to 2nd place in Germany's Election the AfD's far-right / white nationalistic party to it's best-ever showing in a national elect ...
Trump and Musk have no interest in cutting wasteful government spending. They're just blindly cutting everything or things they don't like but are valuable. If you want ...