In addition to burbot, the Minnesota Fishing Regulations for 2025 will include daily and possession limits for American eel, yellow bass, whitefish and ciscoes, also known as tullibees.
Minnesota Sea Grant has added a feature to its Lakes Ice-Out Clock allowing users to look up a forecast for specific lakes.
ST. PAUL, Minn. – The new fishing license year starts March 1 in Minnesota and new limits for several species are coming with it. The Minnesota Fishing Regulations for 2025 will include daily and possession limits for American eel, yellow bass, whitefish, cisco, and burbot.
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources is teaming up with the University of Minnesota for a new study on the elk populations in Northwestern Minnesota.
The owner of the Trail Center Lodge on northern Minnesota's Gunflint Trail captured footage of a close encounter with a Canada lynx over the weekend. Sarah Hamilton posted the video on Facebook, showing the lynx going for a stroll on the lodge's deck, much to the consternation of a family dog inside.
A newly published study by researchers at the Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA), the University of Minnesota's Minnesota Geological Survey, and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources reveals new information about the age of groundwater in the state's distinctive Driftless Area of southeastern Minnesota.
The DNR classifies property-damaging beavers as “nuisance animals” that may be killed, captured or relocated without a permit by landowners.
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources recognized Willmar-based conservation officers Shane Vernier and Cassie Block at its annual awards event.